The Scheugenpflug modular system

To remain competitive, flexibility, globalization and economic efficiency have been the focus of attention since well before the "Internet of Things" and its predicted effects on electronics suppliers. Today, electronics manufacturers must be able to react quickly and flexibly to changed production requirements. The Scheugenpflug modular system provides solutions for the key problems affecting electronics suppliers.

The Scheugenpflug modular system helps to gradually modernize and automate component manufacturing processes through the use of pioneering system modules. All components are designed to work in combination with each other while taking into account the cost-effective and efficient utilization of production elements. The systems vary in degree of complexity and size, ranging from manual workstations to fully automated production lines, and can be customized to meet your specific needs. As demand and requirements grow, such as due to expanding production, you can simply integrate and/or add other modules. The control unit remains the same or is upgraded as necessary like every other module. All modules are perfectly tuned to one another. We provide worldwide service and support, and all frequently needed spare parts are readily available from stock. 

This is the Scheugenpflug approach to solving six common scenarios.



Easy adaptation to required capacities

Modular production systems are designed so that the equipment modules relevant for production steps which have a strong impact on cycle times can be added to the complete line as they are needed.

High product flexibility

This concept does not require the building of new production lines for new versions of successfully established electronic components. Lean modular systems allow the work steps identical for both models to run on the existing system. To avoid bottlenecks, only the modules that have a strong impact on production cycle times are added to the line. The special interfaces also make it easy to add new manufacturing steps as needed. 

Product modification before production start

Sometimes it may be necessary to adjust the component design before production starts even if the production line is up and ready to go. In such cases, a modular system makes it easy to change or replace individual modules quickly and depending on the situation. 

Global manufacturing

In Asia simple tasks are often done manually, whereas the same work steps are usually automated in Europe. Our modular system makes it possible to build several identical production lines that can be used as a fully automated system or as a manual workplace, depending on the setup location. In either case, the quality and process relevant components remain unchanged.

Redesign for after-market production

As a product's life cycle approaches its end, output is reduced. The modular system makes it possible to remove the system modules required for maintaining fast cycle times and to integrate them into a new system, for instance. An extreme example would be to transform a fully automated production line into a semi-automated manual workplace.


When a product is discontinued, traditional production lines are usually depreciated and often scrapped. Most components based on our modular system can be reused for the next product generation or for a completely different production line.

Contact us now!



Johannes Blaser

Sales expert

Phone: +49 9445 9564 0
