Combining theory and practice

Are you interested in immediately kicking off your professional career, but don’t want to give up your academic studies? Scheugenpflug offers a dual curriculum study program with in-depth practice towards a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) for a practical introduction in addition to your studies.

During the 3.5 years of study at the university of applied science, you will learn theoretical basics. At the same time, you will be gathering your first on-the-job experiences and participate in various projects in the departments at Scheugenpflug. Your on-site training period is defined by a detailed training schedule. A skilled and certified Scheugenpflug employee will mentor you directly, answering any questions you have, and will act as your contact with the university. 

Throughout the dual curriculum program period, you will receive pay corresponding to the “hochschule dual” guidelines and standards. 

Switching between the university and on-the-job assignments will help you acquire both the theoretical foundation and practical knowledge you require. This will give you the best possible preparation for your position, which you will start after successfully completing your studies. 

For studies beginning October 1, the application period ends September 30th of the previous year.





At the moment, this section only concerns our headquarters in Neustadt, Germany. We will expand and update this page as well as its subordinated pages accordingly, if training places, trial internships and dual curriculum positions become available.

We currently offer 2 dual curriculum positions!

Electrical engineering and information technology

Industrial engineering with business studies

How we find qualified candidates

Your application will be thoroughly reviewed subsequent to the application period. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you will be invited to a personal interview on our premises. During this interview we lay out the details of the dual curriculum program, and you have the opportunity to form initial impressions about our company. After the ideal candidate is selected, the contract is signed, which the student uses to apply for the degree program at the respective university of applied science.

Further Information (german):

PDF Flyer Offered Courses

PDF job profile electrical engineering and information technology 

PDF job profile industrial engineering with business studies

What documents do I need to apply?

  • Cover letter 
  • CV (photo welcome) 
  • Professional training certificate (if available) 
  • Internship certificates (if available) 
  • Copies of your last three school report cards

How do I apply?

At Scheugenpflug GmbH applications are filed electronically using the online application form for the particular position. Alternatively, you can also apply by e-mail to:

When can I expect to receive a response regarding my application?

You will receive a confirmation e-mail within one week of receipt. If you don’t receive this e-mail, please call us. You documentation will be reviewed after the specified application period. You will receive a response around the middle of October as to whether you are invited for an interview.

Contact us now!



Andrea Würdinger

Human Resources

Phone: +49 9445 9564 0
